Hay Creek Companies Marks Bioenergy Day with Student Tours, Community Open House
Bioenergy Provides Central Wisconsin Economic and Environmental Benefits
In honor of the Fifth Annual Bioenergy Day, Hay Creek Pallet opened its doors to local junior high and high school students and community members, inviting them to come and learn more about an industry that provides significant local benefits. The event in Pittsville was one of dozens of events across the United States and Canada held to raise awareness about bioenergy.
“Manufacturing of bioenergy products from recycled wood contributes a great deal to our local economy and helps conserve our natural resources,” said Tom Gardner, CEO of Hay Creek Companies. “We employ local residents and generate premium wood pellets from materials that would otherwise be discarded. We wanted to give people an opportunity to see what we do firsthand and learn more about bioenergy. We are so grateful for the turnout.”

During their tours of the pellet manufacturing process, visitors were able to see a demonstration of the Rotochopper, a machine that shreds broken pallets and scrap wood and magnetically removes nails and metal debris. They were also able to hear more about Gardner’s story as a business owner and about why the mission of his business matters to him just as much as the products it produces.
“The continuation of Bioenergy Day into a fifth year is truly exciting. We are grateful to our sponsors, particularly the U.S. Forest Service, for their dedication to raising awareness about the role of bioenergy in communities across the nation,” said Bob Cleaves, President and CEO of Biomass Power Association. “Today, all across the country, people are learning about bioenergy and how it helps local economies and forests.”
Hay Creek Companies is full-service pallet manufacturing operation. The company also manufactures premium wood pellets, landscape mulches and animal bedding by recycling wood waste material. The company’s mission is: “Honoring God in all we do, helping develop people, pursuing excellence, while growing profitably.”
To learn more about bioenergy, please visit www.bioenergyday.org.