Make a Difference, One Person at a Time
We might think that making a difference requires a grand-scale effort that impacts many people. But sometimes the best movements start with one action. One tipped domino can start a chain of actions that have a greater effect. One positive act of kindness or compassion can make a tremendous impact on one life, and we have no idea where that can lead.
Recently, one of our employees came to the Caring Team looking for a loan to purchase a used car. His car was having more and more trouble, now requiring repairs that would cost more than what he felt the car was worth. Knowing he was coming to the team looking for a loan and would need to pay it back, the employee asked for a loan he knew he could afford to pay back without overextending his already limited budget. Having finally found a car that was in his budget, he asked the Caring Team for the minimum amount he needed for the vehicle and the cost of the title transfer.
Shortly after the Caring Team meeting, our Office Manager, Sandy Chasteen, received a call from one of our employees (who is a member of the Caring Team) and his wife. They had a vehicle they were no longer using, and they wanted to gift the vehicle to the employee who needed one. They were asking for nothing – they just felt that they have been blessed by God, and they felt that this was what they should do. When Sandy talked to the employee who was looking for a vehicle and explained the offer from one of his fellow employees, he was left speechless. Sandy said this about the arrangement, "I am also overwhelmed with feelings of warmth."
We're so thankful when we see members of our team step up and make a difference in the lives of on another. Sandy said, "Both of these employees have been in situations where someone or something has come through for them when they were down on their luck. They are always one of the first ones to volunteer when we are working on community projects. They both know what it has meant to them when they received help, and they want to pay it forward. They want to share God's blessings."
Our actions do make a difference. Make sure that is a positive one. Why not tip the domino on kindness and see where it goes?