Pallets Move the World and Make it a Better Place
“Pallets Move the World.” That tagline belongs to The National Wooden Pallet and Container Association (NWPCA), and as wood packaging professionals, we know how important it is to be part of an organization whose mission is to provide an environment for its members to succeed while promoting the wood pallet and wood packaging industry. NWPCA is just one of the organizations that works to provide products and services while remaining focused on the responsible use of the very materials our industry is built on: wood.
“You can’t build a wood pallet without wood, and you can’t have healthy forests without a strong forestp products community. Working together works for the environment and the economy,” said Brent McClendon, President and CEO of NWPCA in the video below.
Jay Farrell, Exectutive Director, National Association of State Foresters, said, “Healthy forests provide many public benefits from clean air and clean water, to recreational opportunities and wildlife habitat, to the forest products that we use every day.”
NWPCA collaborated with leading forest conservation organizations to produce the video. Participating in this project were Tom Martin, President and CEO, The American Forest Foundation; Larry Selzer, President and CEO, The Conservation Fund; Jay Farrell, Executive Director, The National Association of State Foresters; Carlton Owen, President and CEO, U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities; and Vicki Christiansen, Interim Chief, U.S. Forest Service.
“We’re proud of the work of our members in supporting the missions of these conservation organizations, providing economic and employment opportunities in rural communities, and improving the health of our nation’s forests,” said Brent McClendon, CAE, National Wooden Pallet and Container Association (NWPCA) President and CEO.
Check out the video to learn more about how wood packaging supports healthy forests and strong commuunities, and hear from professionals im the packaging industray as well as those who are devoted to forest management, conservation, and economic development. The experts explain why harvesting small-diameter wood for packaging products can benefit the health of the forest. NWPCA has been part of helping to develop treatment and protocols for invasive species, as well.
NWPCA supports improved forest markets, healthy forests and strong local communities. That’s a initiative we can get behind!
Pallets move the world, and can help to make it a better place too! For all of your pallet needs, please contact the professionals at Hay Creek Companies.