What does carbon neutral mean?
At Hay Creek Companies, we do everything we can to be environmentally responsible. We refurbish and recondition pallets, and if they aren’t up to pallet quality, we can reclaim the wood to be made into animal bedding. All around, as a means of byproduct utilization, we manufacture premium wood pellets, landscape mulches and animal bedding by recycling wood waste material.
We’ve stated that our pellets are carbon neutral because the wood materials used to manufacture Hay Creek Companies pellets are only recycled wood products. These wood fuel pellets are manufactured by compressing sawdust remnants from the lumber industry, furniture and flooring, and from forestry by-products.
Carbon neutral is a term used to describe carbon-based fuels that, when burned, will not contribute extra carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere. By using materials that were already byproducts of manufacturing, we’re repurposing the wood shavings into fuel instead of creating pellets from cut wood.
At Hay Creek Companies, we do everything we can to be environmentally responsible. We refurbish and recondition pallets, and if they aren’t up to pallet quality, we can reclaim the wood to be made into animal bedding. All around, as a means of byproduct utilization, we manufacture premium wood pellets, landscape mulches and animal bedding by recycling wood waste material. We’re dedicated to using every bit of the byproduct in some way.